
best sunscreen – banila co

Posted in beauty, product review, tokyostargirl's take by tokyostargirl on October 29, 2009

Sun damage alters the way your skin looks and feels. You do not want to start looking older before you have to! When I talk to people who are older and ask them about their beauty advice – they always tell me to wear sunscreen! They all say that they wish they would have started wearing it at an earlier age to protect themselves from UV rays.

UV rays are an undetectable form of radiation that is emitted by the sun. There are two types of UV rays, UVA and UVB. UVA reays penetrate deep into the skin and are the major source of early aging and skin cancer. UVB rays primarily access the surface of the skin and are the key source of sunburns.  credit

Can you believe it? You are exposed to harmful UV rays in your daily life – walking, driving, or even sitting near a window! It’s called secondary exposure and occurs when you least expect it. That’s why people tell you that you should always wear sunscreen – even when it’s cloudy out.

Finding a good sunscreen was always the hardest thing for me.  I really don’t like the smell of typical sunscreen so that was where I was pickiest! I needed it to have just the right texture, thick enough so I could feel protected, but not too thick where I felt it weighing down my face all day, the right smell, and enough SPF – now that is hard! Luckily for me, while in Korea a couple years ago – I FINALLY found my HG (holy grail) sunscreen and it was all by chance! I had heard good things about a brand in Korea called Banila Co. While I was browsing around the store, I happen to come across the sunscreen and decided to try it out. Little did I know that I would LOVE it! It has enough SPF 50+ protection, it smells great (remember I’m picky!), and it has the perfect texture (you’ll feel comfortable wearing it all year long). I absolutely love this and will always make sure I have a tube in my makeup bag at all times. I sincerely believe it’s the best sunscreen out there! =)

Not sure if you can get it online, but if you happen to go to Korea or have a friend there – make sure you ask them to pick you up one – it’s the best!

tokyostargirl gives this sunscreen 5 stars*****!

clinique – even better

Posted in just wanted to share by tokyostargirl on August 8, 2008

I saw this in the September 2008 issue of ELLE Magazine – I know this product didn’t just come out, but it looked interesting none the less. Has anyone tried it? If so, I’d love to hear your thoughts. The older we get, the more cautious we are of getting too much sun. Getting our tan on may look good, but it sure does damage our skin! ALWAYS be sure to wear SUNBLOCK!!!!

Imagine erasing past damage to create a more even skin tone.

Clinique guiding dermatologist Dr. Orentreich says, “When skin is more even-toned, you look younger.” So here’s your second chance. To virtually undo the visible evidence of sun damage, dark patches, skin stresses, age spots, even the darkening that follows acne scarring. Gently create—for all ethnicities—brightness and clarity you thought long gone.

how to use:
Apply twice daily on face, chest, hands, after using 3-Step Skin Care. See results in about 4 to 6 weeks. One caution: daily sunscreen’s a must. It’s a fresh start — not a free ride.